Instant Estimates

Generate professional-looking estimates in under 30 seconds

Win more jobs and impress potential customers by sending the estimate before leaving the site

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How it works

Enter Job Details
Just text Bizzen the job details and the AI will turn it into a professional estimate with your logo and branding. If you have any additional contracts, Bizzen adds them to the estimate.
Approve the Estimate
The estimate is sent to you to make sure it's correct before sending it to the customer
Send to Customer
Bizzen sends the estimate to the customer on your behalf
Receive Confirmation
Get notified when the customer receives and approves the estimate, allowing you to follow up promptly. The estimate approval is emailed to both you and the customer for records.

What others are saying

Whittle Fire Protection logo

Bizzen makes it incredibly easy to access the latest technology. It's like having a personal assistant I can text to do my paperwork for me.

Eli Whittle

Eli Whittle

Whittle Fire Protection

Do what you do best.
Let Bizzen handle the rest.